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The Importance Of Self-Care

We inhabit a culture that celebrates, praises, and prioritizes busyness. The result is tiredness, moodiness, frustration, and an inability to rest. There are five main aspects of personal health: physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual. Take some time to reflect on how each of these areas are...

Shame and the Antidote

Shame is the painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behaviour. It’s extremely uncomfortable because when we experience shame, we feel flawed, like an outsider, are seen with unlikeable traits, or feel rejected...

Processing Disappointment – Not Losing Hope

Disappointment is the experience you feel when you consider ‘what might have been,’ in contrast to your present circumstances. It is the recognition that you don’t have, didn’t get, or will not achieve what you wanted, as well as a...

5 Things Couples Can to Do Strengthen Their Bond

Since people across the globe are being encouraged to self-isolate, it can be tempting to spend more time on technology to cope with stress.  Couples may be struggling due to unexpected financial strains and time spent in close proximity with...

Mental Health Struggles: Part 1 Dealing with the Past

The root causes of mental health are not merely biological or psychological but also social, referred to by specialists as the bio-psycho-social paradigm.  The biopsychosocial model views health and illness behaviors as products of biological characteristics (such as genes), behavioral factors (such...